Na mijn vakantie, zit er ook alweer een werkweek op. Er lagen aardig wat mailtjes en klussen op me te wachten. Mijn 36-urig werkweekje was dan ook snel gevuld en voorbij. Het is voor mij dan heerlijk ontspannen als ik savonds en in het weekend mag spelen met naald en draad. Ik heb van de 12 kerst ornamentjes (2011) van Little House Needlework er nu bijna 8 af. De laatste 4 zijn net met de post binnengekomen. Heb ik wat om naar toe te werken.. Ik maak van elk ornamentje een kussentje, met wat langer lintje in strik. Heb ze nu op een lage dienblad staan, maar kan ze ook nog ophangen als ik wil.
Holiday was over, and last week, back to work. There were a lot of email and tasks waiting for me. So 36 hours working went by in a blink of an eye.. I love to relax with needle and thread, after a busy workday, and workweek. And I finished number 7 and almost number 8 of the 2011 ornaments by Little House Needlework. I ordered the last 4, so I have something to look out for.

I was way, way behind with the BOM of Jackie from Canton Village Quilt Works. Every 25th there is a new block to make. I like this BOM a lot, and love to work with the charmpack Morrisfabrics I had in my stash. But now, when I look at the blocks, there's one thing that stands out.. BLUE, there's really a lot of blue in it. Me, not that fond of blue, working with these fabrics. Now I see them together, I like how it turns out. I catch-ed up, and ready for number 10 this week.
In mijn vakantie ben is (samen met 3 andere quilting-friends ( eentje heeft een blog, Wilma (klik)) begonnen met de Camelot. Brrrrr,...puntjes (die raak ik altijd kwijt), rondwerken (wordt bij mij altijd een ei),
In my vacation I started, (with 3 other quilting-friends, just one has a blog, Wilma (click))on the Camelot Quilt. Brrrr... pointy stars(I loose points), circles (in my case, always eggs..) handsewing(takes me for-e-v-e-r..) and very LARGE block (16 inch) So, it was a big hurdle to take, but I started anyway. After the first few hand stitches, I decided that it was time to use the sewingmachine. And very carefully I sewed my first block. It took me an hour and a half and a lot of pinning today, to get the circle into the background block. BUT... but it still has points and looks more a circle than an egg!! I'm happy :-)

Now to end this weekend, I'm working on the retirement quilt for work. I'm quilting this with perle nr. 8. I like the effect it gives. Have a great creative week everyone!