woensdag 11 maart 2009

Werken (work)

Weinig tijd voor het creatieve gedeelte nu. Ik ben druk met de studie, en al het geregel rond het aankopen van een huis.
Want het is dan nu toch gelukt. Gisteren het voorlopig koopcontact getekend!
Zal binnenkort wat foto's plaatsen van mijn toekomstige stek.
Nu eerst maar duimen dat de financiering rond komt...

There is not much time to be creative these day's. My study takes up my time. And I have to plan everything around my moving to another house.
Yes, Yesterday I signed the contract of sale.
Soon there will be some pictures of my new place to be. I hope the bank will be kind and give me a good deal with my mortgage..

Ik ben gek op de art deco en art nouveau stijl,
en zou het niet erg vinden om aan zo'n bureau mijn studeerwerk te doen...
Maar ach, naar een plaatje kijken is ook al mooi.

I love the art deco and art nouveau style, and wont mind if I had a desk like these to do my study.. O well, looking at a picture is nice as well.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Congratulations. I am very happy for you. Can't wait to see a picture of your new home.

  2. Will you be my neighbor??? Well, I can dream right? And you could end up showing up for regular cups of tea and peeking through my stash but I have no idea which house you ended up going for soooooo I have wait until you reveal your news.

    Hugs ~

    P.S. ~ Thanks for the cute ecards. I am home and very tired but also very glad to be in my own nest.

  3. Congratulations and salutations!
    I'm sooo curious as to what and where and why and how?
    Need to borrow a sander? Ladder?
    Photo's Photo's !Let's see them!!

  4. I bet it is the house that we saw in Groningen. The free standing house with gardens and room for a pony, or a big dog! Weeding.nl and trailer stops only in Soest and Baarn. Maybe they have other sevices there like mowing.nl or round-up.nl or paving.nl!


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